Site In Progress :)
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Hi! I'm Chloe Mae, and this is my website!
I've been inspired by other people's neocities websites, and wanted to make my own. However, I don't have a lot of time to learn two new coding languages and start all the other projects that come with the content I want to put on this site. So, until I get all those things started, here's my site so far!
Here's my link if you want to add me to ur site:
A list of goals and plans I have for this site!
- I already had plans to start a YouTube channel to post my short films and other movie-related content, so this will become part of my online prescence for that.
- I have a list of films that I found on YouTube (over 600 and counting!), and I plan to migrate that list from my Google spreadsheet to here! I really believe that the internet needs a LimeWire or AO3 but for movies, something that is anarchist in nature, has no copyright and ad-related restrictions, and can distribute films of all sorts to a wide audience. The closest thing we have to that is YouTube, but I hope to contribute to showing y'all movies that won't ever be seen in any film festival or movie theater!
- On that note, I also want to write reviews for the films I've seen and share them with you! I would also feature bigger movies, but maybe they'd be in a different list or page or something.
- I also just want to post/make whatever I want! The thing I really miss about the old internet is that people were able to create and share things regardless of if it boosted engagement or made them more money. I think it really stifles a lot of cool art that can be made! So I would definitely have a misc. page where I can just do whatever I want.
Anyway, I'll leave you with some links to other stuff that I think you'll like. Happy surfing!
Stuff I Made
NeoCities Links